Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Epic Relocation 2012!!!


          My names Jason F Moulton, son of MSgt Michael Paul Moulton II. Throughout my dad’s 24 years in the service. I am lucky to say I was a part of 22 years of it. Throughout my childhood ever since I can remember my farther has always been there for me and our family. No matter the distance he found a way to be there even if he wasn’t physically there in person. Growing up as a military brat has its up and downs. I have learned so much growing that I honestly can say wouldn’t have been made possible as a civilian. One of those key aspects of what I have learned was how to be a leader not a follower. One major example of this was deployment. Having to leave the family for long periods of time required me to step up and look after everyone while he was gone. 

          Throughout the 22 years of being a part of my dad’s military career I have moved around a lot. These relocations can be fun and very stressful. One example of it being fun, say you don’t like the new base your at? Eventually you kinda know that this isn’t very permanents. Now on the other hand if you happen to find a base you do like don’t get to attached because remember it’s not permanent. We have moved around a lot as a family and they all hold a fair amount of epic stories but relocation of 2012 takes the cake. 

          It all started July 1st 2012, as we ventured throughout Alaska we finally made it to Canada! How about them gas prices per liter??? How about the Edmonton mall??? Been there 2 times and every time there was something new to do. After leaving Edmonton and heading off to try and reach the border into the United States. My brother and I watched as a wheel rolled off the camper. We then pulled over and radio to mom and my sister ahead that we lost a tire. Obviously they didn’t hear it due to not having cellphones and using walkie talkies. crap the studs are stripped not like we can just put the spare on and continue our journey. I hiked to the nearest RV store some 2 or 3 miles away. We meet this awesome Canadian guy who took me all around town and finally found the parts I needed. Got the studs punched out. New studs back in, also found the old tire that rolled off. Later caught back up with mom and my sister and continued our venture to the United States!!!

A key aspects of what I have learned was how to be a leader not a follower. One major example of this was deployment. Having to leave the family for long periods of time required me to step up and look after everyone while he was gone. 

aka..Jason Moulton  

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