Thursday, April 3, 2014

Relisting for the last time!

After three years at Elmendorf AFB TSgt Moulton had to begin think about the rest of his time in the Air Force. Jason had graduated high school, Krystal was a junior, Taylor was in 8th grade and Lyndy was working on her medical assistance certification.  A lot to think about when you need to decide the next steps in his Air Force journey.

He made a shift to a new unit called 525 Fighter Squadron. The combat-ready fighter squadron is prepared for rapid worldwide deployment of a squadron of F-22A Raptor aircraft to accomplish precision engagement of surface targets using a wide variety of conventional air-to-surface munitions. The 525th FS trains in the fighter missions of strategic attack, interdiction, offensive counterair (air-to-surface), suppression of enemy air defenses, as well as offensive and defensive counterair (air-to-air).

Soon after joining the Bull Dogs he decided to re-enlist for the last time! He would be able to extended his stay at Elmendorf AFB so Krystal could graduate high school and Lyndy could finish school. They were all excited and our country was lucky to have his hard work, loyalty and much more!


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