Sunday, March 30, 2014

Moulton Family is Growing

My Brother, MSgt Moulton was already pretty amazing with his accomplishments in SD. I watched him from a distance. We both moved on with our life and families.  I never imagined him having three children so quickly but remember it get's cold in South Dakota.

We all expected Jason with this newly married couple but Krystal and Taylor arrived pretty close together.

We hear about the sacrifices a military family goes through when a husband, dad, brother, and/or uncle goes into the US Arm Services.From a distance I recognized my brothers family had several characteristics and believe it played a huge impacted on were his family is today.

His family had a sense of humor. Several times stories were told about when he left for duty how Jason would be in the man of the house and how Lyndy turned into a loving mom and the mean dad! LOL! The stories they tell!

Now let's talk passionate! His family back up him and his decision to server his county! It lead every family member to help when they could, offer a kind word, or just a hug! This family was STRONG!

Jason, Krystal, and Taylor are amazing! They changed schools, deal with long separations from love ones, and did not have a dad at all their milestones. These children were strong, brave and adaptable on demand!

People often forget about the extended family members who serve too. The grandparents who open their homes to grand kids during deployments, the sisters and brothers who called, a host of uncles, aunts and cousins offering their unwavering support.

In the end MSgt Moulton served everyday, his family supported was up and above requirement! IT takes a community!

In the end we need to thanks him and his family for all they sacrificed... and every military family!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

SrA Moulton work pays off!

While is the 37th Bomb Squadron SrA Moulton was a Load  Crew Member which loads and unloads munitions on 14 B-1B aircraft to support exercise or contingency operations. Installs, removes, preform checks and facilitates other maintenance required. He ran operational test and inspections on a new mechanical ram designed for the use on B-1B, B-2, B-52 aircraft. Completed all certifications and qualification training 3 days ahead of time and of course maintained a 100% pass rate for all 28 BW Weapons Standardization task evaluations.

He exceeded proficient in superb loading skills which he was selected Load Crew Member of the Month. His excellence led directly to his section attained him the outstanding 100% bomb release rating!  Words to describe him continued from his peers: reliable, responsible, loyal, dynamic, and flawless in task evaluations! Wow! My brother rocks!

SrA Moulton quickly moved up in rank and well deserved! Before leaving Ellsworth AFB he received his Staff Sergeant Moulton!

Daddy's Little Girl

May 16 1994 a little Girl was born and her name was Krystal Danette Moulton. That little girl was me. I was born on my daddy's 25th birthday. I came into this world at 11:11 pm and weighting 7 lb 7 oz. Some may say I am a lucky baby but I say I am daddy's little girl. Sharing a birthday with my dad is a very special thing and it had it benefits like i can never forget his birthday. If I would have been born 49 minutes later I would have not shared my fathers birthday. From the moment I was born i had my little baby hand wrapped around his finger and i still do today. My dad has been a hero and an inspiration to me every step of the way. When I look back on my childhood I don't think about all the years he was gone I think about all the moments we shared. My dad has and will always be my rock. He inspires me to do great things in my life like joining the Air Force and following in his footsteps. My dad has fought so hard to keep this country free and I am proud to call him not just father or daddy but my hero.

My parents told me and my older brother Jason a lot of stories about when I first came home. My favorite one was how Jason saw me sleeping in my swing bed thing and he pushed me out and I tumbled on the ground. I was perfectly fine just a little upset.  Little did my parents know that my brother and I would team up against our new baby brother in a couple of years.

I love You Daddy

Aka Daddy's little girl

Ellsworth Air Force Base

MSgt Moulton moved to his next base in August of 93 in South Dakota. We were all worried about the winters but a chance to visit Mount Rushmore! Maybe not so bad! Good news is before leaving Korean he pick up Sr Airman!

He was stationed at Ellsworth Air Force Base until 1999. Ellsworth AFB is 10 miles east of Rapid City, S.D. The relationship between Ellsworth and Rapid City is exemplified by Ellsworth's main entrance, constructed to symbolize a B-52 Stratofortress, one of the aircraft formerly flown by the 28th Bomb Wing. It was a gift from the citizens of Rapid City. The mission of the 28th Bomb Wing is to deliver decisive combat power for global response. The 28th Bomb Wing is divided into the 28th Operations Group, the 28th Maintenance Group, the 28th Mission Support Group and the 28th Medical Group.

Ellsworth's population of approximately 8,000 includes military members, family members and civilian employees. The base's sister city, Rapid City, has a population of just more than 62,500. There are also about 3,800 military retirees in Western South Dakota.

MSgtt Moulton traveled from Texas with his family and he settled in 37th  Bomb Squadron and join 77th Bomb Squadron during this time a Ellsworth AFB.

The squadron is one of the oldest in the United States Air Force, its origins dating to 13 June 1917, being organized at Kelly Field, Texas. The squadron deployed to England as part of the American Expeditionary Force during World War I. The squadron saw combat during World War II, and later became part of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) during the Cold War.

He worked on the B1B.The Air Force selected Ellsworth as the exclusive location from which to conduct a Congressionally mandated operational readiness assessment of the B-1B, known locally as "Dakota Challenge." After six months of hard work, under both peacetime and simulated wartime conditions, the 28 BW and Ellsworth, with extensive personnel, technical and logistical support from sister B-1 units at McConnell, Grand Forks and Dyess Air Force Bases, passed the test "with flying colors"; and proved the B-1 to be a reliable and capable weapons system; the mainstay of America's heavy bomber fleet for years to come.

In 1995, the 99th Wing departed Ellsworth for a new assignment at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, although a small contingent formerly attached to that wing remained behind to continue bomber tactics training and radar munitions scoring from a handful of dispersed detachments. The year also saw the inactivation of one of Ellsworth’s oldest units, the 77th Bomb Squadron. While the unit (as an administrative entity) departed to save Air Force dollars for development of new follow-on B-1 munitions, the organization’s aircraft remained at Ellsworth (in a flying reserve status) under the able care of its sister unit, the 37th Bomb Squadron.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Solider Enjoyment...

It must have been hard to celebrate the birth of his first son but leaving so soon after his birth. 
MSgt Moulton began his tour and enjoyed his time which started on the airplane.

Tour to Kunsan Air Force Base in Korea

The day after MSgt celebrated the birth of his Son Jason and learned he would be reporting to Kunsan Air Force Base in Korea for a year. I can only imagine the stress he felt about leaving his new family and moving to another country! He had never even been out of the US.

Kunsan Air Base assigned to the Pacific Air Forces Seventh Air Force . It is one of two major Air Force installations operated by the United States in Korea, the other being Osan Air Base.

The history of Kunsan Air Base dates back to 1938, when Japanese forces occupying Korea built a base near Kunsan for fighter-interceptor aircraft.
The United States first used the base in 1945, but on a very small scale. From 1945 to 1950, the Army and later the Air Force intermittently operated small detachments from Kunsan, with these detachments maintaining liaison aircraft. At most these detachments contained a handful of people. When the United States pulled its combat units out of the Republic of Korea in 1949, it left only a Military Assistance Advisory Group in the country, and the periodic detachments at Kunsan became even more infrequent.

Two 80th Fighter Squadron F-16 Fighting Falcons taxis toward the runway for an exercise.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Service at Luke Air Force Base

Airman Basic Moulton first unit was at Luke Air Force Base. He was assigned to the 310 Fighter Squad under the Tactical Air Training Command as a Weapons Load Crew Member. He received server honors like the Airman of the Quarter at the squadron and and Group level.

 Luke AFB is a major training base of the Air Education and Training Command (AETC), training pilots in the F-16 Fighting Falcon. On 31 March 2011 it was announced that the F-35 Lightning II would replace the F-16 as the primary training aircraft at Luke AFB.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Life as a Military Wife....

I married Michael Paul Moulton II on December 24, 1990, Little did I know my life would change forever. After we were married we made the drive in his little truck with one of his fellow airman from tech school. I got to ride in the middle straddling the gear shift from Garland, Texas to Lowry AFB in Denver, Colorado. I stayed in the military version of a hotel for two weeks, sharing a room with another female who was in school there also waiting for my husband to finish school. We were notified that his first duty station would be Luke AFB in Arizona. He graduated tech school in January 1991. The same night of graduation is when Desert Storm kicked off. Packing up and leaving for our first base along with the war starting we headed out not knowing if he would have to deploy after we arrived in Arizona. Got good news shortly after arriving that he would not be deploying. We began the process of finding an apartment and starting our lives as husband-and-wife. We were assigned a sponsor (another couple ) to help us adjust to life at out first assignment. We became great friends and Janet helped me learn the customs and courtesies of the military and my role as a military wife. While stationed at Luke we found out we were expecting our first child. Jason was born on March 26,1992. We were notified the next day that he would have to PCS to South Korea for one year without his family. We notified the family of the news. In July 1992 we packed up and moved to Texas so I would have family support while he was gone.

aka Lyndy Moulton.... MSgt Moulton's wife

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Stole The Picture and Then The Girl

Hello everyone I am Krystal Moulton my dad's middle child and only girl. I would like to tell you the story of how my parents fell in love.

My parents, met for the first time when my mom was in 7th grade and my dad was in 9th what they did not know at that time was that they would one day be married. Their favorite place they loved to meet up at was the roller rink called Skateland. By the time they reached junior high they were seeing other people but that flame was still there. One of my dad's friends was dating my mom at the time and he had a picture of her in his locker. My dad stole the picture and one day soon he would still the girl.

When my dad left to basic training the last stop be made with his recruiter was at a 7/11 were my mom worked. She was the last person he saw before he left and he asked her to write him letter. Through writing letter to each other they fell madly in love. Over half way through basic my dad called my mom and asked her to marry him and she said YES. Also that day she got a letter from him asking her to marry him. That was not the last time he asked her. After basic training graduation he asked her it marry him again for the third time. So he asked her over the phone, in a letter, and finally in person and she said YES every time.

After basic my dad went to tech school and when he came home my mom and dad got married on 24 December 1990. They did not know was was ahead of them all they knew was they loved each other and hand and hand they were ready to face the world. 24 years later they are still madly in love and going strong.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Oh! Boot Camp!

Summer time is normally a time to enjoy the long days with a fishing pole in hand making an effort to lure in an unsuspecting catfish in for dinner.   July of 1990 was a bit different for a then slick sleeve Airman Moulton.  He and 37 other men began a life-altering journey.   This journey began with an oath.  While these are just words to most civilians, these words are entry in to a family of selfless individual who promises to defend our way of life.  A pledge to treat thousands of strangers as blood family. 

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. 

Over the next several days leading up to now Master Sergeant Moulton’s retirement, I will be posting stories of what I know of his service to share with him on April 4th and years to come.  Please, share your thoughts and stories of my little brother.  Feel free to make comments on my post or send me your stories which I will put online for all of our enjoyment.

Thank you,

Norma AKA Big sister.  (Even if he is taller than me) 

MSgt to the USAF… But still my little brother!

A few years ago my parents blessed me with a baby brother the day after I turn one.  His name was Michael Paul Moulton II. We called him Paul. We grew up in Garland, Texas and believe me we had a lot of fun in our family of 6 kids!

On April 4, 2014 we will be celebrating his twenty four years of service in the US Air Force but before the special day I want all of us to take a journey though MSgt Moulton's and discover all the special talents, loyalty to his country and one of the strongest persons I know.

But remember MSgt Moulton is my little brother and I am so proud of him!