Sunday, March 30, 2014

Moulton Family is Growing

My Brother, MSgt Moulton was already pretty amazing with his accomplishments in SD. I watched him from a distance. We both moved on with our life and families.  I never imagined him having three children so quickly but remember it get's cold in South Dakota.

We all expected Jason with this newly married couple but Krystal and Taylor arrived pretty close together.

We hear about the sacrifices a military family goes through when a husband, dad, brother, and/or uncle goes into the US Arm Services.From a distance I recognized my brothers family had several characteristics and believe it played a huge impacted on were his family is today.

His family had a sense of humor. Several times stories were told about when he left for duty how Jason would be in the man of the house and how Lyndy turned into a loving mom and the mean dad! LOL! The stories they tell!

Now let's talk passionate! His family back up him and his decision to server his county! It lead every family member to help when they could, offer a kind word, or just a hug! This family was STRONG!

Jason, Krystal, and Taylor are amazing! They changed schools, deal with long separations from love ones, and did not have a dad at all their milestones. These children were strong, brave and adaptable on demand!

People often forget about the extended family members who serve too. The grandparents who open their homes to grand kids during deployments, the sisters and brothers who called, a host of uncles, aunts and cousins offering their unwavering support.

In the end MSgt Moulton served everyday, his family supported was up and above requirement! IT takes a community!

In the end we need to thanks him and his family for all they sacrificed... and every military family!

1 comment:

  1. So true! I love this! I've also been so impressed over the years at how well Uncle Paul manages to stay connected to his family especially considering his military career. He's been in the military practically my whole life, yet he always finds the time to pick up the phone and call me just to catch up and say hello! I didn't always appreciate that in my younger days, but now that I'm a little older, I realize how special that is and am so grateful!
