Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Life as a Military Wife....

I married Michael Paul Moulton II on December 24, 1990, Little did I know my life would change forever. After we were married we made the drive in his little truck with one of his fellow airman from tech school. I got to ride in the middle straddling the gear shift from Garland, Texas to Lowry AFB in Denver, Colorado. I stayed in the military version of a hotel for two weeks, sharing a room with another female who was in school there also waiting for my husband to finish school. We were notified that his first duty station would be Luke AFB in Arizona. He graduated tech school in January 1991. The same night of graduation is when Desert Storm kicked off. Packing up and leaving for our first base along with the war starting we headed out not knowing if he would have to deploy after we arrived in Arizona. Got good news shortly after arriving that he would not be deploying. We began the process of finding an apartment and starting our lives as husband-and-wife. We were assigned a sponsor (another couple ) to help us adjust to life at out first assignment. We became great friends and Janet helped me learn the customs and courtesies of the military and my role as a military wife. While stationed at Luke we found out we were expecting our first child. Jason was born on March 26,1992. We were notified the next day that he would have to PCS to South Korea for one year without his family. We notified the family of the news. In July 1992 we packed up and moved to Texas so I would have family support while he was gone.

aka Lyndy Moulton.... MSgt Moulton's wife

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